Thursday 5 March 2009

The Incredible Bulk (post)

Big post today, lots of catching up. First up some more reference sketches for accessories, starting with some wolf pelts used for Native American head-dresses and similar things.

I especially like the shape of the top left head-dress, I think it's also less visually distracting without eyes and fangs. Having the front paws hang down over the shoulders is also a cool look. I had an idea that each paw could be tied together with twine so that the pelt sits on the character like a cross between a backpack and a hooded cloak.

Here's some reference for his rifle. I wasn't sure which direction to take so I looked at all styles and periods of weaponry before sketching some that I thought might work. At the top is an American blunderbuss. I like the flared barrel but the purpose of the gun is more shotgun than sharpshooter like I had intended for my character. Below that is a fantasy hunter's rifle. I liked the steampunk look and the oversized barrel on this. Second from bottom is a Japanese musket. I thought the rounded off grip made more sense for a character with huge paws than the conventional grip and stock. Finally, A Mosin Nagant bolt-action, a classic sharpshooter's rifle.

These sketches are of various things I intend to use. At the top are a couple of different Gemshorns. I'll almost definitely go for an over-emphasised curved Gemshorn, hung from string. Below those on the left are a few varieties of bamboo. I thought bamboo would make an interesting alternate material for the barrel of my character's rifle. On the bottom right is a sketch of some natural hemp twine.

Finally, a revision of my character's basic shape:

I really bulked him up this time around, and he now resembles a fierce hunchback bear rather than a kangaroo hybrid. I also made a slight change to his feet, giving him a raised ankle which I think gives him more poise than the previous flat-footed iteration. The musculature is probably a bit over-emphasised in these sketches but that's just so I have a good idea where to put it on the final model.

Phew! Next up, I think I'll attempt some proper character drafts with all accessories added and some different facial markings.