Tuesday 17 March 2009


Another big update: basically a whole batch of stuff I was preparing for crunch-time which I had thought was today, but turns out it's been pushed back 2 weeks which gives me some more time to refine.

First up, a few sketches of my character in different poses.

Here is a board of facial expressions I'd like my character to use. For my presentation I also set this page up as a sound board to express the kinds of noises I'd like my character to make. Using slowed-down animal calls and howls, I drafted some quick mp3's for his basic talk sound and his battle-cry. I may work on them some more, so I'll post them here later.

Finally, a last-minute colour draft as I'd realised I hadn't actually put the character into colour for my presentation. This is a first attempt on my laptop, so the colours may appear a bit different on other displays which I'll also work on later.

To do list:

  • Character interaction storyboards (figured I'd kill two birds with one stone and put interaction / storyboards together)
  • More research
  • Add some brief notations to presentation
and that's about all I can think of right now. More pics up soon!