Tuesday 31 March 2009

And The Rest

Watching some of the behind-the-scenes for The Incredibles gave me an idea. As a sort of mid-point between assignments 1 (conceptual stage) and 2 (final character) I've built a rough draft of the character in plasticine to get an idea how it would work in 3 dimensions. I took a few photos in natural environments (my backyard) to give me further reference for colours and textures.

If you can't make it out, that's a Hard Rock Café toothpick (from New York, no less) he's holding as a makeshift rifle :D

I photoshopped this last picture to modify the colours a bit, make it seem more wintery, similar to how I envision the character's snowy Northern Old-World forest to be.

Job done. Time to open Maya, I guess!